
Flood zone ae meaning florida st johns
Flood zone ae meaning florida st johns

flood zone ae meaning florida st johns

Treat all non-operating traffic lights as 4-way stops.Return home only when authorities advise it is safe.Have electricity turned off by the power company.Turn off all utilities at the main connection.Once you have reached your area of refuge, be it your home or a shelter, stay inside!.Evacuate if told to do so, take your pets with you.If your disaster plan includes evacuation, prepare to leave with your pets.Protect important documents in waterproof containers.Seal off sewer lines to prevent backflow.Elevate furniture above flood protection levels.Sign up for emergency alerts to be sent to your phone: ALERT Clay County When a Flood Threatens.Register for special needs or pet shelter space, if needed.Protect property to prevent damage (don’t forget to reinforce garage doors, reinforce roof connections, purchase storm shutters).Prepare a family emergency plan and survival kit for your family and pets.Contents-only coverage is available for renters. Non-residential structures may be insured for up to $500,000 on the building and $500,000 on the contents. Residential buildings may be covered for up to $250,000 for the building and $100,000 for the contents. There is usually a 30 day waiting period before a flood insurance policy takes effect. This flood insurance is required for properties in the SFHA purchased with federally-backed mortgage programs or other federal financial assistance. Clay County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, which makes federally-backed flood insurance available to all residents and property owners. There is a 26% chance that property in the SFHA will experience a flood during the life of a 30 year mortgage. For many people, their home and its contents represent their greatest investment.

flood zone ae meaning florida st johns

Standard homeowner’s insurance does not cover losses due to flooding. The second most important protection measure against flood damage is to purchase flood insurance to prevent financial loss if your property floods. Keep in mind that hurricane shutters and reinforced garage doors can significantly reduce wind damage. It is also important to keep potential wind damage to structures in mind. It is important to avoid endangering a neighbor’s property due to your flood protection measures. Common protection measures include elevating the building and utilities above flood levels, relocating structures to higher ground, making wall openings near the ground in non-habitable areas to allow the entry and passage floodwaters, and constructing flood barriers such as berms or floodwalls. The best way to prevent loss is to know your flood risk and protect your property to minimize the possibility of floodwaters damaging the structure. While recent construction practices and regulations have made new homes less prone to flooding, many existing structures are still vulnerable and flooding can occur outside the high-risk areas. These areas may not be shown in the SFHA on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps.Įvery year, flooding causes more property damage in the United States than any other type of natural disaster. Other areas of the county are subject to flooding from stormwater runoff in areas with local drainage problems. Zoning staff may be reached by telephone (904) 278-4705), mail (PO Box 1366, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043), or in person (3rd floor of the Clay County Administration Building, 477 Houston Street, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043). These areas are also called “Special Flood Hazard Areas” or “high flood risk areas.” If you live in unincorporated Clay County, you may contact the Clay County Planning and Zoning Division to determine whether your property is in a SFHA. Areas shown on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Clay County as flood zones “A” or “AE” will be inundated by the 1% annual chance storm. Johns River, Doctors Lake, and the Black Creek system are also subject to storm surge from hurricanes. Johns River, the North and South Forks of Black Creek, Little Black Creek, Governors Creek, Peters Creek, Doctors Inlet, and other creeks in the County, as well as along the shores of Kingsley Lake, Lake Asbury, Lake Brooklyn, and Lake Geneva.

flood zone ae meaning florida st johns

The majority of these areas lie along the St. Many areas of the County are low-lying and subject to flooding from rising water. The primary cause of flooding in Clay County is heavy rainfall from tropical systems and afternoon thunderstorms.

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  • Flood zone ae meaning florida st johns